Monday 28 November 2016

Wrapped And Ready To Go.....

Last month I joined in with the Cracker Swap via Tracy over at and was partnered up with Claire.

After getting things together, wrapped up and ready to post....I forgot to take any pictures of the contents!!!  All I have is this, ready to post parcel...

Hopefully Claire will be able to show the contents when she receives it!!  (sorry about the ironing board!!)

I have done this swap a few times now, so I should have known better!!  Anyway, I hope that Claire enjoys the contents...... Will be back and show you what I receive......can't wait! :)  


  1. Neat though!!! I would certainly be delighted with a parcel wrapped likes this!!! I could imagine lots of gorgeous things inside! Having had a swap parcel from you in the past I am pretty sure Claire will enjoy the contents!

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  2. I'm always in rush so keep forgetting to photograph my parcels too! I'm sure Claire will take some super photos. Well done for being so organised, wish I could say the same for myself!!!

  3. First time EVER that I have been this organized!! Hope to see your swap soon :)


Thanks for looking in, hope you have time to write a small comment.....:)