Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Blogtober 16

New Book covers .....

I have some lovely new fabric from Ikea, so I am going to make some personalised note books and try to upload them to my Etsy and Misi shops......I have neglected these for so long, as life seems to have taken over with kids going to Uni, and moving abroad with Uni, and parents needing more help these days.....and high school things, and just life in general!!!  Some times, I really do think that the world has speeded up and left me still trying to grab the rope to hold on!!!!  Is it really just me??????

I will try and post in the next few days a sample of what I am doing, and to make it a bit more interesting,  I am going to have a Freebie Give-away!!!  I will post back tomorrow with a few more details.....until then, here is an Autumnal interval!!!!


  1. Looking forward to seeing your notebooks. When I was in your situation - about 5 years ago now - I used to equate my life with taking a country stroll along the central reservation of the M25, with just so much going on all around me and me struggling for a bit of peace and quiet!

    1. Exactly Joy, glad you know where I'm coming from!! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures again. Luckily both my girls are now married, but remember the constantly moving of their stuff from uni, to private digs, back to uni, back to private and finally uni again and why was the accomodation always at the top of the flats or houses!!

    1. Ha Ha Chrissy, yep, that was the same for me!! Both of them at the top!!! Mind you, good exercise though :)


Thanks for looking in, hope you have time to write a small comment.....:)