Friday 19 October 2012

Blogtober 19

My, how time flies....

Having finished my Green Day Friday blog, I am now attempting day 19 of Blogtoberfest!!  I don't know about where you all are, but here it has rained non stop all day.  Not so much as a glimpse of sunshine around.  My chooks haven't been too bothered though...

But  the Sunflowers do not seem very happy....I know how they feel  :(

Hope I'll have some eggs later!!  My dog (  ) does not have the same enthusiasm though!!   The rain has brought its problems as well.....I have noticed that my guttering needs a bit of attention...

and the flat roof has it's fair share of puddles......

as does the back garden....

and the farmer's fields opposite are starting to fill up with water where the potatoes have been harvested!!

Still, I had to laugh at the birds on the electric wires above the field, they reminded me of a sheet of musical notes!!!

Anyway, as the weather is STILL bad, I have lit my fire, and am off to sit in front of it and make plans......


  1. I love the photos of your chickens
    they are so cute.

    Can't believe you still have sunflowers
    they are long gone here.

    It is raining in Ireland today too
    and damp and miserable
    so I am like you and sitting in front of the fire!

    Hopefully we will both have sunshine tomorrow!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Our day started dull and grey and ended wet, but forecast for tomorrow is better, have a good weekend xx

  3. Adoro a pureza da chuva e o colorido do fogo...linda postagem para o Green day, um abraço!

    O mirante da imagem

  4. They look like very plump and happy ladies, Deb! We might still be very warm here at he moment but the mistral has been blowing for a few days, I even saw an old lady get knocked over by it in Toulouse.
    Love the fire basket ^_*
    Well done on this daily blogging challenge and keeping up with it, my daily art project has flopped a little...
    Can't wait to see you next week!

  5. Acho que sua galinha está um pouco aborrecida. Risos Mas, eu gosto tanto delas que gostaria de ter uma também.
    Amo girassóis. Plantei e parece que eles vão florescer em breve.
    Lindas imagens da chuva. Apesar de já estar cansada de tanta chuva por aqui. Risos

  6. As suas galinhas são muito lindas! Gostei de tudo aqui!
    Beijos do Brasil!

  7. Great pictures - very atmospheric


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