Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Doves, Allotment and Sunset!!

The past few days....

For the last three years, we have had doves nesting somewhere around our garden hedges....but this year they seem to think the best place was outside our kitchen window, next to the front door in the honeysuckle bush!!!  But what a great view I have had daily, watching the little ones grow up!!   I have had to be careful of picture taking as I did not want to disturb them in case the parents flew away...but here are some pics I managed to get....

In between dove watch, I've tried to keep up with the allotment as well....planted peas, which even though covered with a net, got attacked by birds as soon as they sprouted out of the ground.  I'm just going to leave them and see if they can grow at all!  Also put in broccoli, which I haven't checked to see if has been eaten yet as well.  Pulled up some of last years spuds as they were taking over the courgettes, but forgot to take pics of them!!
                                Broccoli covered with plastic bottles to keep safe!!
                                Netting over the peas (which was a waste of time!!)
                                Flower on spud plants, nearly ready to dig up!!
                                A little broccoli plant waiting for its cover!
                               Overall view of the allotment!
  I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up with the weeds, let alone the pests!!

Anyhoo, back to the doves, I saw them one morning fly up to the tree in my front garden, but one of them had trouble getting back into the nest, and landed on the kitchen window sill.....I couldn't take pics as I would have frightened him/her....  I did manage to get them in the tree though with their mum....

Apologies for the picture quality, but they would keep moving about!!!   They have now left the nest, and I'm not sure where they go at night, as I have checked the nest quite late, but they're not there....
And last of all, a lovely sunset, seen from my bathroom window....we do get some stunning sunsets here... (when the cloud decides to lift!!)
Sorry once again about the pics not being that good, but you get the gist of it!!


  1. love the colors of the end of your day! and sweet doves, too!

  2. How lovely to have those doves in your garden, we only tend to get seagulls and magpies. That is a lovely sunset!! :)

    1. We get lots of those too! And they tend to eat all the chickens food, which is very annoying!!

  3. So lucky to have a nest of doves so close to you. Allotment is looking good. Know what you mean about slugs and peas :( xx

    1. Gggrrr, slugs and pigeons....bane of my allotment life!! They have now finished off my newly planted broccoli :( Nice to see you back to photography now :)

  4. Fabulous pictures. Love those doves. Sunset pictures are fab.

  5. Super pictures of the babies growing up and wow your sunset pics are fab. You certainly do get some perfect colours. Hugs Mrs A.


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