Monday 22 July 2013

So Little Time.....

But soooo much to do!!!!

I'm sure that I moaned about this before, but I really am struggling with time at the moment!!  Picking up eldest from Paris after his year at university (but soo glad he is home, even if it is for a short while!!), collecting middle son from various places (as he has finished uni for the summer..) and trying to entertain youngest without him being bored whilst I we work around the others!!  As well as that, I've had extra work to help out family, allotment duties which can not be ignored, telephone calls to make.......and, well, the list could go on!!! I'm sure that many of you reading this have similar busy lives, and can sympathize with me, and I with you!! 

I'm really behind with my photo groups on FB (sorry Joy and Tracy if you are reading this!!), and I'd really like to catch up, but I don't hold out much hope this side of the summer holidays!!!

On route to the said 'Paris' to pick up eldest, we stopped over in Dartford for the night before getting the Euro tunnel next day (as you do when you have a long drive!!).  The take away shops looked a bit pants where we where (and if anyone can recommend a decent one in the town centre, please let me know!!) so we found a Waitrose, grabbed some hot chicken, salad and a few drinks and sat in the park!! What a lovely park it was as well, I was very impressed!! We had a dust sheet to sit on and everything!!! Shame was, I only sat on the edge, with half of me on the grass, and got attacked by red ants!!! Very painful, and am still bearing the scars!!!!!!

Last trip to the allotment before we headed off to the 'tunnel'.....Courgettes, onions, spuds broad beans a plenty....Oh, and I had 5 eggs in the hen house as well!!  Thanks Chooks!! :)
Before pics of the allotment (yes, I know I'm doing this blog back to front, but that's how things are at the moment!!)  Courgettes, doing really well.....
 Broad beans, doing equally as well (after picking out the tops, as told by another allotment holder, a very wise one!!)
 Onions, tasting good, but not  quite ready yet....

 Potatoes are really doing well, and I have dug most of them up, but left the rest as they are dead on top due to lack of water, but I'm hoping they will still be OK................
 Weeds I have pulled out from between the broad beans.....
 Lack of water.....I am taking down at least 30 litres of water every time I go down as there is no water supply at the allotments.....

 OH kindly watering  the broad beans for me, they need so much when the beans are growing!!
 Overall view.....
 Harvest (with out the eggs!!)
 Oh, and is it just me??? I have an obsession with  collecting plastic cartons to store cooked foods in to freeze, like curry!!!!  But I think I may be getting carried away......
 Well, I much going on and I'm sure I could condense it to make more time for myself, but I am such an un-organized person it really isn't going to happen for me is it!!...........Any tips??????????


  1. congrats on getting your son back from paris. you sound extremely busy, but your garden looks wonderful!

  2. Oh yes, I remember it well. Enjoy it though, all too soon they are grown up and left home altogether - but its great fun when they come back to visit. So pleased your allotment is giving you so much produce, makes all the hard work worthwhile. Dont worry about the challenges, just join in as and when you have the time.
    Joy xx

    1. Thanks Joy, I'm enjoying the allotment this year, as I have some of it covered over with DPM to keep the weeds away!! I love having the brood back in the coop, but why do they eat soooo much??? Will be back on FB when I have something to put on there!! :)

  3. What fab produce you have. Glad it is all growing after all that effort. Enjoy the Holls and your family. As joy says they will fly the nest soon. I have one living in Canada who I miss a lot but luckily the other one lives nearby.

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I do enjoy them all back at the you get to see your one who lives in Canada at all? :)

  4. LOL reading this makes me feel so much better, not the only drowning in must dos instead of want to dos!! Your allotment is looking fantastic. Enjoy the summer with the boys.xx

    1. Ha Ha Ha Karen....I have sooo many more 'want to do's' than 'must do's'....annoying isn't it!!! :)


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