Monday, 12 December 2011

Works in progress....


In my tiny corner of the kitchen, lies my sewing my sewing machine on a small desk.  Not much of a space I agree, but space it is!! I can sit here and sew without getting in anyone's way, and leave  unfinished work      out of harms way!!  The sun  is streaming through the window which just makes you feel better (even though the weather is freezing outside!!)                                                                                 

 Well, today while the house is empty, I have taken full advantage of catching up on all the things I had planned to do, and should've done ages ago!!.  Sewing, washing, cleaning, etc., all the things everyone else does, except I seem to do things all at the last minute!!   In between the above, I am making another loaf of bread!!  Don't worry, I haven't gone too mad, the bread is made in the machine!!

I just love the way it's soo easy to make bread!  Such a small amount of ingredients, one machine, and 3hrs to do other things!!   Normally  I make it overnight, so it's ready for breakfast and the normal run of sandwiches for lunch boxes!   It seems to be quite popular with the family, since I found a good recipe in a library book which didn't use 'cup' measurements! I can't get on with that way of measuring, I never know whether to tap the ingredients down or not, so I have had many a disastrous result!
Here all the ingredients are, placed carefully in the correct order (water,salt, butter then flour, and yeast and sugar on top!),  sitting in the bread machine waiting for the 'Start' button....

And here we are!!! TADAHH!!   The finished product!!  Just add butter, jam or anything you fancy (but always with hot tea!!)  Anyone else have any quick and easy recipes for biscuits for afters?? I'd be very grateful if you pass them on!!

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